Introducing a new member of the Handshake family,
Sofie Just also known as @justsofie.tattoo on Instagram.
With an eye for adapting design to follow the musculature and mastering freehand drawing on skin, Sofie has a whole arsenal of styles and techniques from accurate handpoking, intricate feminine patterns to heavy blackwork Marquesan style sleeves.

Sofie's journey started back when sailing around the South Pacific to Micronesia, Samoa and French Polynesia and she by curiosity was drawn towards the tribal patterns decorating the locals.

In the streets of Papeete she coincidentally ran into a french archaeologists specialising in the cultural background and history of their occurrence. She had never been introduced into the world of tattooing but was frankly fascinated by the patterns and the meanings of the symbols.

After talking with the archaeologists she soon discovered her interest growing.
Later on, after keeping in contact, he felt her interest for learning more about the handcraft and introduced her to the idea of getting an apprenticeship with the master of tattoo heritage techniques, Colin Dale. That idea eventually led to a solid 4 years of apprenticeship with Mr. Dale.

Being fully finished with her apprenticeship she treasures the philosophy about always being curious and striving to learn something new about tattooing. Traditional and cultural artwork, and the symbolism behind, has a great interest for Sofie and lay the foundation of her Pacific inspired style.

As you can see on her Instagram Sofie likes to do a lot of different Polynesian styles, especially the Marquesan, Samoan and Maori, whether it’s with the handpoking technique or the modern tattoo machine.She also has a flair for intricate dotwork, semi-realistic animals and welcomes anything that crosses into the same universe. https://www.instagram.com/justsofie.tattoo/

Besides tattooing she enjoys spending a lot of time on her startup adventure, mOcean. The idea to mOcean was sparked when sailing across the Pacific in a sailboat for a couple of years doing everything together with the crew and the captain, as a small community; fishing, diving, managing the sails, maintaining the boat and navigating through the wild waves. She thought that it would be cool if others had the chance to experience the same, and so mOcean began.

If you are interested in booking Sofie for a tattoo session or a consultation, do not hold back from filling our Booking form and she will reply as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading!